Appin Mine Ventilation and Access Project
The Appin Mine in the Wollondilly region of New South Wales is an existing underground mine, primarily producing metallurgical coal. It is currently operating in the Douglas Park and Menangle areas.
An integral requirement of underground mining is adequate ventilation and mine access, to ensure a safe and efficient working environment for our people.
As Appin Mine moves further from existing surface infrastructure, we are constructing future infrastructure to support the mine which includes Ventilation Shaft No. 7, Ventilation Shaft No. 8 and mine access facilities. The infrastructure will be located at 345 Menangle Road and is known as the Appin Mine Ventilation and Access Project.
Ventilation Shaft No. 7 will be a downcast shaft, drawing fresh air into the mine. It will also double as an entry point to the mine for our people.
Ventilation Shaft No. 8 will be an upcast shaft, drawing air out of the mine.
Visit our Community Portal for easy access to current mine plans and maps, project updates, landholder property reports and more.