
Appin Mine

Appin Mine in the Wollondilly region of New South Wales, approximately 25 kilometres north-west of Wollongong, is an existing underground mine primarily producing metallurgical coal.


Appin Mine

Appin Mine in the Wollondilly region of New South Wales, approximately 25 kilometres north-west of is an existing underground mine primarily producing metallurgical coal.

Appin Mine incorporates the underground mining operations which extract coal from the Bulli Seam, and associated surface activities, including the West Cliff Coal Preparation Plant (WCCPP) and Coal Wash Emplacement Area (CWEA).

Run-of-Mine (ROM) coal is extracted from the Appin underground mining operations and delivered directly to the WCCPP by winder and conveyor or is transported from the Appin East Pit Top via truck along Appin and Wedderburn Roads to the WCCPP.

Processed coal (clean coal product) from the WCCPP is transported by road to the Port Kembla Coal Terminal (PKCT) for shipping to domestic and international customers, or to BlueScope Steel or other local customers.

Appin Mine has been operating since 1962 and includes the merged Appin and Tower Colleries.

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Approval Documents

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Management Plans



Community Documents

Approval Documents

Consolidated Consent

Bulli Seam Operations Consolidated Consent.pdf

Modification 1

Bulli Seam Operations Project Modification 1 – April 2015.pdf MOD 1 Offset Conditions EA.pdf South32 Illawarra Coal Strategic Biodiversity Offset Statement.pdf

Modification 2

Bulli Seam Operations Project Modification 2 – October 2016.pdf Bulli Seam Operations MOD 2 EA - Part A.pdf Bulli Seam Operations MOD 2 EA - Part B.pdf Bulli Seam Operations MOD 2 EA - Part C.pdf

Modification 3

Modification_Report - MOD3.pdf Bulli Seam Operations Project Modification 3 - April 2022.pdf Appendix A - Agricultural Impact Statement.pdf Appendix B - Noise and Vibration Assessment.pdf Appendix C - Air Quality and GHG Assessment.pdf Appendix D - Traffic Assessment Report.pdf Appendix E - BDAR.pdf Appendix F - ACHA.pdf Appendix G_Historical Heritage Assessment.pdf

Modification 5

Modification Report.pdf Amended Modification Report.pdf Notice of Modification.pdf Notice of Decision.pdf

Modification 6

Modification Report.pdf Notice of Modification.pdf Assessment Report.pdf RFI Response.pdf

Preferred Project Report

Preferred Project Report.pdf Preferred Project Report Supplementary Information.pdf

Environmental Assessment

Appendix A - Subsidence Assessment (Part 1).pdf Appendix B - Groundwater Assessment.pdf Appendix C - Surface Water Assessment.pdf Appendix D - Aquatic Ecology Assessment.pdf Appendix E - Terrestrial Flora Assessment.pdf Appendix F - Terrestrial Fauna Assessment.pdf Appendix G - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment.pdf Appendix H - Non-Aboriginal Heritage Assessment.pdf Appendix I - Noise Impact Assessment.pdf Appendix J - Air Quality Impact Assessment.pdf Appendix K - Road Transport Assessment.pdf Appendix L - Socioeconomic Assessment.pdf Appendix M - Preliminary Hazard Analysis.pdf Appendix N - Environmental Risk Assessment.pdf Appendix O - Upland Swamp Risk Assessment (Part 1).pdf Appendix O - Upland Swamp Risk Assessment (Part 2).pdf Appendix P - Stream Risk Assessment.pdf Appendix Q - Aboriginal Heritage Site Risk Assessment.pdf Appendix R - Major Cliff Line Risk Assessment.pdf Attachment 1 - Director General's Environmental Assessment Requirements.pdf Attachment 2 - Project Application Area and Real Property Descriptions.pdf Attachment 3 - Peer Review Letters.pdf Attachment 4 - Consultation Newsletters and Leaflets.pdf Attachment 5 - Relevant Local Government Planning Instruments.pdf Attachment 6 - Dharawal State Conservation Area Memorandum of Understanding.pdf Executive Summary.pdf Section 1 - Introduction.pdf Section 2 - Project Description.pdf Section 3 - Consultation and Community Initiatives.pdf Section 4 - Framework of Environmental Assessment.pdf Section 5 - Environmental Assessment.pdf Section 6 - Rehabilitation and Mine Closure.pdf Section 7 - Planning Framework and Project Justification.pdf Section 8 - Statement of Commitments.pdf Section 9 - References.pdf Section 10 - Abbreviations, Acronyms and Glossary.pdf

Subsidence Management Plans / Extraction Plans

Appendix D - Longwalls 705-710 Impacts of Subsidence on Terrestrial Flora and Fauna Appendix B - Longwalls 705-710 Assessment of Surface Water Flow and Quality Effects Appendix C - Longwalls 705-710 Effects of Mine Subsidence on Aquatic Habitat and Biota Appendix E - Archeological and Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment of Proposed Longwalls 705-710 Appendix G - Longwalls 705-710 Risk Assessment Appendix H - Longwalls 705-710 Groundwater Assessment Appin Area 7 – Withdrawal of SMP Approval Appin Area 7 Longwalls 705-706 Environmental Management Plan Appin Area 7 Longwalls 705-710 Public Safety Management Plan Appin Area 7 Longwalls 707-710 Environmental Management Plan Appin Longwalls 705-706 SMP Approval Conditions Appin Longwalls 705-706 SMP Approved Plan Appin Longwalls 707 - 710 SMP Approval Appin Longwalls 707 - 710 SMP Approval Conditions Appin Longwalls 707 - 710 SMP Variation Approval Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 10 - Subsidence Predictions and Impacts on Ecology Chapter 11 - Subsidence Predictions and Impacts on Man Made Features Chapter 12 - Statutory Requirements Chapter 15 - Summary and Assessment of Environmental Factors Chapter 2 - Application Area Chapter 3 - Mining System and Resource Recovery Chapter 6 - Characterisation of Surface and Sub-Surface Features Chapter 7 - Subsidence Predictions and Impacts Chapter 8 - Subsidence Predictions and Impacts on Natural Features Chapter 9 - Subsidence Predictions and Impacts on Hydrology Chapters 13 and 14 - Risk Assessment and Community and Stakeholder Consultation Chapters 4 and 5 - Site Conditions and Stability of Underground Workings Longwalls 705-710 Proposed Subsidence Management Plan


Environment Protection Licence

Dam Safety Act

Mining Leases

End of Panel Reports

Community Documents

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